Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Mirai Creation Company Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) recognizes the importance of personal information protection as a social responsibility, and considers it necessary to comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information and appropriately handle the acquisition, use, and management of personal information handled by the Company. The Company shall comply with the following items regarding the handling of personal information:

  1. The Company shall acquire personal information within the scope of the stated purpose, clearly defined in advance. Additionally, measures shall be taken to establish internal management systems and security measures to prevent the use of personal information beyond the scope of the stated purpose.
  2. The Company shall manage personal information rigorously and shall not disclose or provide data to third parties except with the consent of the customer, except as required by law. Furthermore, measures shall be taken to prevent leakage, loss, or damage to personal information, and corrective actions shall be implemented.
  3. In the event of outsourcing of business operations involving the handling of personal information to other companies, the Company shall provide guidance and supervision to ensure that proper management is conducted by the outsourced companies.
  4. The Company shall establish necessary systems to respond to complaints and consultations regarding personal information promptly and appropriately. Additionally, when an individual requests disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of use of personal information, the Company shall respond promptly in accordance with the law and prescribed procedures.
  5. The Company shall comply with various laws and regulations applicable to personal information, guidelines established by the government, and other standards, and shall periodically review and continuously improve its initiatives for personal information protection.

Adopted: June 1, 2022
Mirai Creation Company Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, OBA akihito

Handling of Personal Information

  1. Regarding Personal Information
    The personal information that our company collects from customers includes names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, etc., which are necessary when providing travel services, among other services, to customers.
  2. Proper and Appropriate Collection and Management of Personal Information
    Our company collects and manages customers’ personal information through appropriate means.
  3. Purposes of Using Personal Information
    1. Our company will use the personal information provided by customers when applying for travel services for purposes such as contacting customers, arranging services provided by transportation and accommodation facilities for the travel applied by customers, and procedures necessary for receiving those services, within the scope required for our travel contracts and insurance procedures to secure responsibilities and costs in case of accidents, by sending personal data such as customers’ names electronically in advance. Customers are required to agree to the provision of this personal data when applying.
    2. In addition, our company may use customers’ personal information for the following purposes:
      1.Providing information about our company’s and affiliated companies’ products, services, and campaigns. 2.Requesting feedback and impressions after participating in travel. 3.Conducting surveys. 4.Providing benefits and services. 5.Creating statistical data. 6.Responding to inquiries and consultations from customers.
  4. Guidance on Requests for Disclosure, etc., of Personal Information
    If you wish to request disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of use of your personal information held by our company, or if you wish to stop providing it to third parties, please contact the inquiry desk below. We will promptly take necessary measures in accordance with laws and regulations and our company regulations. If we cannot fulfill your request in whole or in part, we will explain the reasons for this.

<Contact Information for Inquiries and Complaints regarding Personal Information Handling>
Mirai Creation Company Co., Ltd.
3rd Floor, Yoshida Building, 3-13-4 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-00552, Japan
Business Hours: Monday to Friday 10:30 to 19:30 (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and Year-end and New Year break)